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Add a User

Have a new team member? Find the right access level for them here!

Tory Minnes avatar
Written by Tory Minnes
Updated over a week ago

Once your system is integrated with Captain, you will need to add users to the Manager Portal, Dispatch App, and Driver App. See here to understand the access levels associated with each user type.

Please note that, when creating their passwords, users should be aware that passwords are case-sensitive.

Manager Portal - New User

Your company's first Manager Portal admin user will be created during your Captain onboarding. There are three levels where you can create a user for the Manager Portal:

  1. Company Level - this user will have access to all businesses and stores within a company

  2. Business Level - this user will have access to all stores within a business

  3. Store Level - this user will have access to a single store

To better understand the three levels, let's conceptualize it using our sample company: Andy's Restaurants. Under the umbrella of Andy's Restaurants are two brands: Andy's Pizza and Andy's Wings. Each of these two brands have three locations.

It is important to consider what access level you would like to give your various users. In our example, Andy's Restaurants has hired a new manager at the Eisenhower location of Andy's Pizza and would like to add them as a manager to this store only. This manager will have access to the Manager Portal for this single location, and does not have access to view or change settings.

To create a new Manager Portal user:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Settings" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select the company, business, or store where you would like to add your new user

  4. Select "Access Management"

  5. Select "Add manager/admin user" under the Store Managers & Admin section

  6. Create a new user and give them either Admin (will have access to settings) or Manager (will not have access to settings) permissions

  7. Select "Create user" in bottom right corner

Once created, you can edit a user, send them a password reset, or revoke access. The user will now receive an email invitation asking them to create a password.

Dispatch App - New User

All Dispatch users are created through the Manager Portal. We recommend that you have a single set of Dispatch credentials per store to avoid confusion, and you may want to post these credentials in your service area in case of accidental log out. To create a new dispatch user:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Settings" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select the store where you would like to add your new user

  4. Select "Access Management"

  5. Select "Add device user" under the Store Device Users section

  6. Create a new user and give them access to Dispatch

Once created, you can edit a user, send them a password reset, or revoke access. The user will now receive an email invitation asking them to create a password. These are the credentials that they can use to log into the Dispatch app. Please note that there is a single access level to the Dispatch app - all users will have access to the same settings and interface within Dispatch. If a Dispatch user has access to >1 locations, they will be prompted to select which location they want to view upon log in. Once logged in, the user will remain logged in, even after you store's end of day. It is a good idea to periodically log out and back in.

KDS App - New User

All KDS users are created through the Manager Portal. We recommend that you have a single set of KDS credentials per store to avoid confusion, and you may want to post these credentials on each KDS device in case of accidental log out. To create a new KDS user:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Settings" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select the store where you would like to add your new user

  4. Select "Access Management"

  5. Select "Add device user" under the Store Device Users section

  6. Create a new user and give them access to KDS

Once created, you can edit a user, send them a password reset, or revoke access. If this user does not already exist in your system, you will be prompted to set the password. These are the credentials that they can use to log into the KDS system.

Driver App - New User

New Drivers can be created through the Manager Portal or through the Dispatch app. Some integrations require drivers to be added through the POS - please confirm with your Captain onboarding rep if this criteria applies to you.

To add a Driver from the Manager Portal:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Drivers List" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select "Invite New Driver" in the top right

  4. Input the prompted information (assure that email address and phone number are correct)

  5. Select "Send Invite"

To add a Driver from the Dispatch App:

  1. Log into the Dispatch App with standard credentials

  2. Select the gear icon in the top left corner

  3. Migrate to the "Drivers" tab on the left sidebar

  4. Select "Add Driver" in the bottom right

  5. Input the prompted information (assure that email address and phone number are correct)

  6. Select "Save"

Once created, drivers will receive an email inviting them to create a driver profile, set a password, and download the Captain Driver App. This email will also contain a brief training video on how to complete a delivery with the Driver App. Please note that there is a single access level to the Driver app - all users will have access to the same settings and interface. If a Driver is added as a user to >1 location, they will have the ability to toggle between stores in the Driver app.


If you have recently added a new user and they have not received the invitation email, there are a few troubleshooting tools you can use:

  1. Ask the new user to check their junk folder

  2. Confirm that that user's email address is correct

  3. Resend the invite by requesting a password reset

  4. For drivers only: in the Manager Portal, generate a QR code that will direct them to the onboarding flow

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