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Delete a User
Tory Minnes avatar
Written by Tory Minnes
Updated over a week ago

A key part of user management is revoking access when an employee is no longer working on your team, or has shifted to a new role and no longer requires certain access levels. There are three places where user management occurs:

  1. Manager Portal Access Management

    • Manager Portal users

    • Dispatch App users

  2. Manager Portal Drivers List

    • Driver App users

  3. Dispatch App Drivers List

    • Driver App users

Manager Portal Access Management

To remove a Manager Portal user or Dispatch App user:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Settings" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select the company, business, or store where you would like to add your new user

  4. Select "Access Management"

  5. Locate the user you wish to delete

  6. Click the three dots under the "Actions" column

  7. Select "Revoke access"

Please note that this action cannot be undone. If you accidentally delete the wrong user, you will need to re-add them (you are able to use the same email as previously).

Manager Portal Drivers List

The Captain system does not permit you to delete a driver so that the historical information of completed orders remains complete and accessible. You can deactivate a driver who is no longer with your team so that they can no longer log into the Driver App. To deactivate a Driver App user from the Manager Portal:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Drivers List" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select "View" next to the driver you want to deactivate

  4. Select "Deactivate driver"

This driver can be reactivated on the same page if they return to work in the future.

Dispatch App Drivers List

To deactivate a Driver App user from the Dispatch App:

  1. Log into the Dispatch App with standard credentials

  2. Select the gear icon in the top left corner

  3. Migrate to the "Drivers" tab on the left sidebar

  4. Select the driver you wish to deactivate by clicking the edit button on their profile picture

  5. Select "Deactivate driver"

This driver can be reactivated on the "Deactivated drivers" tab in this same section.

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