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Edit a User
Tory Minnes avatar
Written by Tory Minnes
Updated over a week ago

Over their lifetime with your company, a user may need to have their access level or personal details edited. Let's look at the editing that may be required for three types of users:

  1. Driver App users

  2. Dispatch App users

  3. Manager Portal users

Driver App Users

Driver App users may need to:

  • Update their phone number

  • Change their display name

  • Change their display picture

These edits can be made in the Dispatch App and in the Manager Portal. To edit in the Dispatch App:

  1. Log into the Dispatch App with standard credentials

  2. Select the gear icon in the top left corner

  3. Migrate to the "Drivers" tab on the left sidebar

  4. Select the driver you wish to edit by clicking the edit button on their profile picture

  5. Edit their First Name, Last Name, and Phone Number by typing in the update information

  6. Edit their profile picture by selecting the camera icon on the photograph

  7. Select "Save" in the bottom right

To edit in the Manager Portal:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Select the store that the driver you wish to edit belongs to

  3. Migrate to the "Drivers - List" tab on the left sidebar

  4. Select "View" on the driver you wish to edit

  5. Select "Edit"

  6. Change details as desired

  7. Save

Please note that it is currently not possible to edit a Driver App user's email address. If your driver has lost access to their email and does not know their Driver App password, you should deactivate them and add a new driver with the new email. Driver information and photo is currently not updatable in the Driver App itself.

Dispatch App Users

Dispatch App users may need to:

  • Gain access to another store

Access level must be completed by an admin user in the Manager Portal. To give a user access to another store, you will need to add them as a user to the new business or store.

Please note that it is currently not possible to edit a Dispatch user's email address. If your user has lost access to their email and does not know their Dispatch App password, you should delete this user and add a new user with the updated email. The Captain support team can also manually change a user's password - connect with us via the live chat to request this.

Manager Portal Users

Manager Portal users may need to:

  • Change their name

  • Change access level

A user can edit their own name by selecting "View my personal profile" in the bottom left corner when they are logged into the Manager Portal.

Access level modifications must be completed by an admin user in the Manager Portal. To make these edits:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Settings" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select the company, business, or store where the user you want to edit has access

  4. Select "Access Management"

  5. Locate the user you wish to edit

  6. Click the three dots under the "Actions" column

  7. Select "Change access level"

  8. Modify the access level

  9. Select "Edit permissions" in the bottom right corner

Please note that it is currently not possible to edit a Manager Portal user's email address. If your user has lost access to their email and does not know their Manager App password, you should delete this user and add a new user with the updated email. The Captain support team can also manually change a user's password - connect with us via the live chat to request this.

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