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Reset a Password

Forgot a password? Don't stress - reset!

Tory Minnes avatar
Written by Tory Minnes
Updated over a week ago

The options a user has for resetting their password vary depending on what product they use: Driver App, Dispatch App, or Manager Portal.

Please note that passwords are case sensitive so be sure to verify if caps lock is on or if your keyboard defaults the first character to upper case.

Driver App Password Reset

A driver has two options for resetting their password:

  1. Self-Serve Password Reset

  2. Dispatch App Password Reset

When logged out, the driver can request a password reset using the "Forgot Password" link:

A driver can also request a password reset link from the Dispatch App in their profile section:

Dispatch App Password Reset

A dispatch user password reset must be sent from the Manager Portal. To reset their password:

  1. Log into the Manager Portal with admin user access

  2. Migrate to the "Settings" tab on the left sidebar

  3. Select the company, business, or store where the user you want to edit has access

  4. Select "Access Management"

  5. Locate the user you wish to send a password reset to

  6. Click the three dots under the "Actions" column

  7. Select "Send password reset instructions"

Manager Portal Password Reset

There will be three situations where a Manager Portal user may find themselves wanting to reset their password:

  1. They can access the Manager Portal, know their password, and want to update their password

  2. They can access the Manager Portal, do not know their password, and want to update their password

  3. They cannot access the Manager Portal and want to reset password

If they can access the Manager Portal and know their password, they can self-serve the password reset by selecting the "View your personal profile" in the bottom left corner. From here, they can use their current password to update it.


If they cannot access the Manager Portal, or do not know their password, they will need to request another admin user send them a password reset using the same steps as a Dispatch App Password reset (above). If there is no other admin user that can do this, please contact your Captain rep or message our Help chat requesting a password reset.

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