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Using the Heatmap
Tory Minnes avatar
Written by Tory Minnes
Updated over a week ago

The Heatmap under the analytics tab in the Manager Portal gives you a look at the geographic data of where your customers are ordering from. This information can be used by your marketing team to determine which neighbourhoods to target with a campaign; or by your operations team to inform decision relating to delivery zone limits.

There are various filters and views that you can use on the Heatmap, and this article will focus on three main functions:

  1. Adjusting the Heatmap Mode

  2. Filtering by Day of the Week

  3. Filtering by Date Range

Adjusting the Heatmap Layers

The heatmap will default to a heatmap view. Each point or dot on the map indicates a completed order and all data points are aggregated into a colour-based volume view. When a date range is not set, the points are a cumulative total of all historical orders. The following video walks you through changing to various modes:

Filtering by Day of the Week

You may want to filter visible data points to specific days of the week to expose trends based on weekdays compared to weekends, for instance.

Filtering by Date Range

Finally, you may want to filter data by specific date.

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